Gen Z has spoken. I’m Middle Aged.
As if the L plates on my car wasn’t giving ‘middle aged’ enough, I just got age profiled by my sock status. Ladies – this small style detail is giving away our age. The Gen Zs have spoken. Ankle socks are out. Crew socks are in.
As a boarderline Gen X/ Millenial who my kids categorise as a Boomer – this new sock trend has me in a dilemma. For years, I have sacrificed my comfort, exposing my ankles to the elements in the name of being ‘cool’ (evidently in more ways that one). Sock showing was firmly frowned upon. Remember rolling and folding our socks down to carefully sit below the shoe before the invention of the beloved ‘no show’ socks but now I’m told no to no show and its all about the sock show and here are some learnings from my recent sock observations…
1. The youth have spoken – ankle socks are out. It’s time to say goodbye to this…….
2. It’s acceptable for your sock to not show above your boot ankle length but is highly encouraged.
3. Those low cut sneakers? They need a crew sock.
4. Those crocs and birks? Crew sock warmly welcomed.
5. High heels? Yup. Socks.
6. No to anything too branded unless you are 16 and under (no to your sons Santa Cruz socks) Keep branding minimal.
7. Sock are the new ‘personality statement’.
Last week I asked my teens ‘Am I too old to wear this? I was wearing activewear leggings and a sweatshirt and it was COLD. My ankles were begging me to wrap them. I caved. I found the plainest pair of ankle socks and pulled them OVER my leggings and it’s like the heavens opened. All of me was warm for the first time since 1994. Teens approved and although toasty ankles and I stayed hidden in the car, I did it. Baby steps ladies.

Socks above boots welcome. Also with heels. I draw the line here. I just can’t. It’s giving 1987 me playing dress ups.

This I can get my head around…..I think. What about you?